Tuesday, July 27, 2010

District 6 Workshop

ASAHPERD partnered with the Alabama Department of Public Health, the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, Alabama State University, and the University of West Alabama to take the District 6 workshop to the people of West Alabama which turned out to be a huge success.

The morning started off with an introduction from Ms. Brandi Pouncey who is from the Strategic Alliance Division at the Department of Health who funded the workshop, and Dr. Satcher from the University of West Alabama that hosted the workshop.

Then Penny Edwards, the Future Professionals Advisor did the welcome from ASAHPERD and encouraged everyone to join ASAHPERD and come to the fall conference, then it was off to me to do the Ice Breakers where we did a jammin minute from the Alliance, greet your neighbor, and team work.

After that, we had the following breakout sessions:

  • Introduction to WAY by Natalie Steed
  • Spelling and Literacy in the Physical Education Classroom by Ann Holcomb
  • Get on the Ball and Out of the Bleachers: ASU HPER Majors and Dr. Gary Grandison
  • Technology Resources for the Classroom-Dr. Patricia Floyd·
  • The Busy School Day and Health Education -Dr. Renfroe
  • Science Education and the Physical Education Classroom-Sharon Smith
  • Catch Kids Program for Afterschool-Dr. Satcher
  • Math in the Physical Education Classroom-Shanekia Wiley
  • Coordinated School Health –Dr. Evans
  • Social Studies and Movement-Jackie Jackson
  • Bullying in today’s Society-Dr Edmondson and Dr. Golightly
  • Outdoor Education-Dr. Coates
Then we had closing remarks and door prizes from Heidi Hataway and Leslie Knox from the State Department of Public Health.

A huge thanks to everyone who was involved in making this workshop take place, especially to Heidi and her division at the Alabama Department of Public Health.

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